August Birthstone

August Birthstone


Peridot, Spinel, Sardonyx

If you’re shopping for someone special born this month, they are in luck! August actually has 3 birthstones, so you have plenty of options to find something they will absolutely love!

Historically used in ancient and medieval cultures, the peridot birthstone has been used as a protective talisman and is traditionally given to celebrate 16th wedding anniversaries as well. From the Latin word for ‘thorn,’ spinel comes in various colors: reds, pinks, oranges, purples, and more! These precious gems were thought to ease anger and promote harmony. Lastly...the most ancient and revered of the birthstones, sardonyx is a combination of two types of quartz. Bands of brown or dark orange sand alternate with white or black layers of onyx to create a dramatic effect. These bands of color became especially popular in carvings for brooches.

Whether you’re shopping for an upcoming birthday or just want to spoil yourself with a little something sparkly, we invite you to shop our selection at Walton’s.