December Birthstone

December Birthstone


Tanzanite, Turquoise, Zircon

From the pale glittering periwinkle of snow-covered hills to the deep and endless navy of a night sky, the color blue perfectly captures the dazzling sights of December. Those born in December have their choice of three brilliant blue birthstones — but these beauties aren't just for the December babies...

While it's true that tanzanite had yet to be discovered during the Victorian era, zircon and turquoise were favorites at the time. Ranging from the oldest mineral on Earth to one of the first mined and used in jewelry, December's birthstones make spectacular gemstone gifts throughout the year.

Whether you’re a December baby or just want to add an extra pop of color to your collection, our curated selection of antique and estate tanzanite, turquoise, and zircon pieces is a must-see!