Tony and Annie's story commenced in college and unfolded over nine years of shared aspirations and joyous memories. "We always talked about a trip to Europe together, and we finally made it happen," Annie reminices. What she didn't expect was a surprise proposal in Paris on September 30th with the Eiffel Tower as the backdrop.
"It was such a great day! Tony's planning, attention to detail, and keeping it all a secret made it super special," Annie shares. The streets of Paris and the scenic landscapes of Portugal became the setting for the next chapter of their love story, with every moment bathed in the glow of their newfound engagement.
Tony knew he wanted to shop locally before discovering Walton's. "The ring is perfect because I never told him what I liked. He still managed to pick a ring that suits me perfectly and is unique to our story," Annie admits. Tony's methodical approach involved months of online research and consulting with one of Emily's friends to make sure he got it right. The result? A ring that captures the essence of their connection and Tony's unwavering attention to detail.
Cheers to Tony and Annie and their next adventure!